Bands and artists we’ve interviewed, from Sleaford Mods and Martyn Ware through to newcomers Deux Furieuses and dressmaker, tell us what they want under the Christmas tree - from things practical to spiritual.
I’d like a new coat. High fashion cat walk bollocks, fitted and modest.
Check out our Sleaford Mods interview, and more Sleafords pics from their gig at The 100 Club.
Sleaford Mods Pic: Terry Tyldesley
I want an Avalon VT737 preamp and a few duvets so I can turn my house in to a vocal booth - I’m recording my new album vocals at home over New Year. I also want - no, need - an upright piano. I’ll be scouring Gumtree for one soon.
She Makes War has a Pledge Music campaign running, for her next album Direction Of Travel. Check out our interview with her, and her looping demo.
She Makes War Pic: Terry Tyldesley
Katie: New simple to use keys & synths. Turn ‘em on and wallop… That’s what great about apps these days, immediate compressions and vibe.
Jules: Better loop and USB facilities that don’t crash or freeze and NO MORE LATENCY on anything digital.
Katie: Oh and clothes!
Here’s our interview about their new album Super Critical.
The Ting Tings
For Christmas I want the entire Korg Little Bits collection, and also I want to go back to the Atacama desert with my family to see the magnificence of the cosmos.
Martyn Ware Pic: Terry Tyldesley
Fender 1966 Super Reverb - World’s Cleanest Amp,
1965 original Fender Strat Candy Apple Red (left handed)
Malina Moye Pic: Issiah Hayes
Kitty Austen
I want a 1950’s Gretsch Silver Jet, I played one recently and fell in love with it.
Jon Tufnell
I’m hankering for a whole set up for my harmonica. A Shure Green Bullet Mic, a pedalboard with an Electro Harmonix Memory Man and maybe a Dunlop Rotovibe going into a Fender Bassman. At the moment I just play harmonica through my vocal mic, but after some studio experimentation I think there’s room to get a bit more getting a bit more out of the humble mouth organ. Oh and a chrome slide that actually fits my fingers. They are always too big or too small, I need that Goldielocks slide.
Ben Chernett (Bass)
One of the new Fender Coronado basses cos they are fit as fuck.
Matt Devine (drums)
I’d like a Gretsch Broadkaster Maple kit with a 24” kick drum and twin floor toms, they’ve just re-released them based on the original design from the 30s. Classic looks, amazing vintage tone. I’d take a set of Meinl Byzance extra dry cymbals too. I love dark and trashy sounds!
Saint Agnes Pic: Terry Tyldesley
A Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier and a Fender 65 Twin Reverb Guitar Amp Combo, run out of my splitter pedal so as to have two amps at once, the dream…….
Whales In Cubicles Pic: Terry Tyldesley
Our Christmas wish is for 3D clones of ourselves so we can go out on tour AND stay at home and write. “Make more me-s!”
Our own recording studio in the country is an ultimate wish but failing that a Roland SPD-SX Sampling Pad and a 40” gong would do nicely this Christmas.
Deux Furieuses Pic: Terry Tyldesley
We’d love a smoke machine that doesn’t require a manual operation! And our own rig of even more strobe lights!
dressmaker Pic: Terry Tyldesley